Find Inspiration through Philosophy, Perspective, and Weekly Discussions

Goals For The Love Of Life: How To Begin? (2023)

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Having a love of life

It dawned on me, I’ve been pondering over this question for quite some time now: “What’s the perfect way to kick off my blog?” Every idea that popped into my head felt lacking, not quite up to par. I started wondering if I’d ever settle on something, anything. But then it hit me—Never have I done this before. I have never written an inaugural blog post. Even though I have started many projects, never has it seemed necessary to discover the elusive “perfect intro”. So instead of searching for perfection, I decided to take a step back and break down the goals for the Love of Life and the ideas behind my blog.

“Putting things off is the biggest waste of life: it snatches away each day as it comes, and denies us the present by promising the future.”


Here are my 6 goals for The Love Of Life:

Goal #1: Giving The Love of Life My All – Starting Strong

My first and foremost goal for The Love of Life is, I want to give it my all and see it through. Everyone has that one thing or even a list of objectives they have yet to begin. It can seem an impossible task to figure out what the first move is. That’s why I consider starting this blog an achievement in itself, and I’m determined to give it my best shot.

Goal #2: Aim to Inspire Others – Rediscovering The Love of Life

Another goal I have is to help others who may have lost their zest for life. Throughout life we all encounter obstacles. The death of a loved one, losing a job, or even the small stuff. These experiences, when accumulated, begin to paint life in a dark hue of anxiety and regret. In spite of how hopeless it may feel, it’s not permanent. After a lot of hard work, little by little, day by day, I rediscovered my love of life. In planning my objectives I thought, maybe I can inspire others to do the same.

Goal #3: Embracing Philosophy – Healing The Soul

I have always been passionate about philosophy. It has always been a part of me, but its meaning has evolved over time. In the past, it was, to me, solely a branch of academia to memorize and study. Now I see it as a necessary part of my daily routine, a vitamin to heal the soul. One of my intentions for the Love of Life is to share my passion in order to draw others to Philosophy. Oh and also to remind you to take your vitamins!

Goal #4: Delving Deep – Engaging Self-Dialogue

Out of all of my goals for the love of my life, this one is the most exciting. The plan is to choose a broad topic each week, for me and hopefully, you, to consider. This could be anything from death to love or even the concept of competition. Then, in each post, I will discuss and hopefully uncover the nature of the chosen topic. Like a journal that each and every reader is privy to. I aim to create a space for self-dialogue, where my readers and I can engage in meaningful meditations about the extraordinary and the mundane.

Goal #5: Embracing Life’s Tapestry – Ups, Downs, and Everything In Between

Life isn’t comprised entirely of bright, happy yellows or dark, melancholy blues. It is a complex tapestry of countless shades and hues. There will be ups and there will be downs but it is important that we don’t focus all of our energy on either extreme. After all, I named the blog “The Love Of Life.” not “The Love of Only The Good or Bad Parts of Life.” As unfortunate as it may seem, we cannot have the good without the bad.

Whether it’s facing challenges, experiencing the joys of new relationships, or simply finding overall well-being, I believe that sharing these experiences, good or bad, can resonate with others and help them gain perspective on the beauty of life.

Goal #6: Enjoying the Process – A Writing Adventure

Lastly, I see this blog as an opportunity to hone my writing skills and learn to enjoy the process. I don’t expect it to make me famous or wealthy. Fame and fortune are a dangerous game. Instead, I simply hope to communicate my thoughts effectively and find joy in every step of this writing adventure.

So, that’s the plan— I have revealed my aspirations for this endeavor. With each post, I aim only to stay true to these goals and create a space where we can explore life, philosophy, and everything in between. Together, we can discover what it means to have a Love of Life.